
The lobby of the main building of the Medical Campus of the University of Oulu.

The 25th International Nursing Ethics Conference “The Value of Nursing Ethics Research and Scholarship” will be held on 28th and 29th August 2025 at the University of Turku, Finland.

We warmly welcome you all to join!

Abstracts are submitted online by February 28, 2025:

More information including registration on webpages:

Further information, email:

Aika: 12.-13.12.2024
Paikka: Medisiina D, Turun yliopisto, Turku (lähitapahtuma)

Tervetuloa osallistumaan työelämäorientoituneeseen tapahtumaan ja kuuntelemaan hoitotieteen tutkimuksen uusimpia tuulia! Symposiumin ohjelma tarjoaa monipuolisia esityksiä ja keskusteluja alan ajankohtaisista aiheista.

Torstaina 12.12. päivä huipentuu paneeliin, jossa hoitotieteen postdoc-tutkijat visioivat tulevaisuuden sote-palveluita. Tämä on erinomainen tilaisuus päästä kuulemaan tulevaisuuden sote-palvelujen suuntia hoitotieteen postdoc-tutkijoiden näkökulmista sekä verkostoitumaan ja vaihtamaan ajatuksia muiden asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.

Early bird -hinta: 31.10.2024 mennessä
Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä: 5.12.2024


Tervetuloa mukaan!

You are warmly invited to submit an abstract for the Postdoctoral Researchers in Nursing Science Shaping the Future of the Social and Health Care<> 12-13 December 2024 at the Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku, Finland. The abstract should concern the theme of your own postdoctoral research. We also encourage doctoral researchers who are in their final phase to submit an abstract of their preliminary ideas for postdoctoral research. We accept all content areas and methodological selections. We especially welcome this year abstracts related to the themes of 1) working-life orientation and relations in planning, executing, implementing your study and disseminating research results, and 2) efficiency of health care systems.

Formal instructions are as follows:
  *   The abstract must be written in English.
  *   The abstract should be formatted as follows: Title (max 200 characters with spaces), Authors (name, academic degree, affiliation, country), Body text (max 2200 characters with spaces), no references needed.
  *   The structure of the body text is suggested to be as follows: Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
Abstracts are submitted online via Webropol form<>. Please, follow the detailed instructions given in the submission system when submitting your abstract. You will receive a short automatic reply confirming receipt of your abstract. All abstracts will be reviewed.
This year, all accepted abstracts will be presented orally. This format provides an opportunity for reflection and personalized feedback, helping you engage in discussions with experts and peers, gain new perspectives, and refine your research. We are looking forward to your participation!

Abstracts are submitted online by September 30, 2024:


More information on webpages:

Tervetuloa HoVaTo:n opiskelijaedustajien järjestämään tapaamiseen!

Welcome to the meeting organized by HoVaTo’s student representatives!

Linkki: Ilmoittautuminen/Registration

Document links:

Co-hosting Alpha Beta Nu chapter website:

Please use the Google form link to upload your abstract and send:

Three different PhD career stories – HoVaTo student meeting 25.9.2023

HoVaTo is organising an online student meeting for all doctoral researchers in nursing science. Book the date now!

Topic: Three different PhD career stories
Time: September 25th 16-18
Place: Zoom (

We will hear the career stories of three PhD graduates of nursing science who, after completing their doctorate, have been employed in different jobs building on their education and expertise. Based on the presentations, we will interact with each other, discuss building our careers, and get to know one another.

Emilia Kielo-Viljamaa, Senior Lecturer Novia University of Applied Sciences, Postdoctoral Researcher University of Turku
Emilia gained her PhD degree in 2021 from the University of Turku. After that, she has been working as a senior lecturer in nursing in both bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. She started her postdoctoral research in 2022 that aims to develop wound care education in nursing education.

Jenni Konttila, Key Account Director for Health and Life Science in BusinessOulu
Jenni gained her PhD degree in 2020 from the University of Oulu. After that, she has been working as a special designer at Oulu University Hospital and she is currently working as a key account director for the Health and Life Science sector in BusinessOulu. She has completed her master’s degree in information processing science in 2022, and this autumn, she will start her Master’s studies in International Business Management at Oulu Business School.

Tella Lantta, Docent, Senior Researcher, University of Turku, Department of Nursing Science
Tella gained her PhD in 2016, and after graduation, she has worked both in Finland and abroad at three different Universities – Turku, Hong Kong, and the UK. She has been successful in securing funding for her post-doc and beyond, including the Academy of Finland’s grant. Her research focuses on mental health nursing science and that is also the field of her title of Docent.

See you at the event!

In 2024, a HoVaTo student meeting will be organized as a live event at the HTTS National nursing science conference in Tampere.

Kind regards,
HoVaTo steering group student representatives
Anndra Parviainen, University of Eastern Finland
Fanny Ahokas, Åbo Akademi University
Kaisa Saarela, University of Oulu
Laura Sandström, University of Tampere
Noora Narsakka, University of Turku

Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium

The University of Turku’s Department of Nursing Science warmly welcomes everyone to the international and free Empowering Patient Education 15th Anniversary Symposium on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, in Turku. We welcome abstracts from theses, research, and projects. More detailed information can be found in the abstracts call and on the event’s website (

Abstract Submission Deadline: 30 August 2023.

We invite you to join us for the Biennial ReCap Meta-Network Conference ”Thriving Together: Research Career Pathway Toward Academic Excellence”, which is taking place November 14-15, 2023 in Shanghai, China. The conference is open for all.

The abstract submission is now open and abstracts need to be submitted on July 31st, 2023 (midnight GMT).

More information about the conference can be found from the webpage:

Information about the ReCap project can be found from the projects webpage:

From 01.01.2023 University of Oulu will coordinate the Finnish Doctoral Education Network in Nursing Science.

Genomics-Informed Nursing Symposium on 15-16 March 2023.

Genomics-Informed Nursing Symposium will be organized at UEF on the Kuopio campus on 15-16 March 2023.

Registration link is now open:

For more information, visit the website:

We are pleased to invite our colleagues and students!

International symposium for postdoctoral researchers at University of Turku, December 8-9, 2022

Department of Nursing Science, University of Turku warmly welcomes all postdoctoral researchers in nursing science and their mentors to join and network with colleagues.
The department organizes the first international symposium for postdoctoral researchers. The postdoctoral period is a fundamentally important phase – increase your expertise and progress your career as a researcher. More information on the website:  

Feel free to share the first call with your colleagues and networks.

ReCaP tarjoaa tukea akateemisen uran kehittämiseen hoitotieteen tutkimusalalla

Research Career Pathway (ReCaP) -hankkeessa Suomen viisi hoitotieteen koulutusta tarjoavaa yliopistoa tekevät yhteistyötä 9 kiinalaisen yliopiston kanssa. Hankkeen tavoitteena on tukea hoitotieteen jatko-opiskelijoiden ja nuorten tutkijoiden urapolkua.

Parhaillaan on käynnissä haku opiskelijoista, jotka pääsevät syventämään tutkijan uraansa. Kiinnostuneet jatko-opiskelijat ja postdoc-tutkijat voivat ottaa yhteyttä omaan yliopistoonsa lisätietojen saamiseksi.